July 2022

July 2022

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Before the Drawdown

DarwinIA contest

Finally we got to finish this month of July entering into the list of Darwins who get some investment from Darwinex!

EPG is beeing stagnated from its last ATH, three months ago. Last two months were slightly in red. We started very well July, looked very positive. However last two weeks have been awful. Balance of July has been 1,18% in the green zone. Enough to deserve the prize.

It is possible the final position will be a little better than posted above, but we get some DarwinIA after all. Very happy to get it, just expecting a change in the red trend of the last two months.

August is coming

Indeed, what can we expect from August? Everything is possible. I continue working to improve EPG, but I won’t change anything from it in this month. I have been working on a couple of promising ideas that at the end of the day didn’t look so worthy. So, I finally discarded them.

Message to the investors

EPG is stagnated for three months, but there’s nothing serious. The curve just stopped its parabollic growth. It could go down deteriorating the current drawdawn or we could leave behind our last ATH. Who knows!

The important is that EPG is behaving as expected. Drawdawns and stagnation periods are normal, even healthy. I don’t think we are in a Drawdawn, not a serious one. The serious one is yet to come and that is part of the investment rules. As long as we continue winning DarwinIAs and watching green months there’s nothing more than enjoying this moment.

See you on the next DarwinIA prize 😉

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